Hot and Spicy Slow Cooker Brisket

The Do’s and Don’ts Guide to BBQing

Make sure that the meat is cooked properly. Under cooked meat can spread germs which might cause food poisoning. Enjoy the food without falling sick!

What’s So Good About the Weber Q140 Electric Grill?

You might think that it’s a bad idea to buy an electric BBQ grill. After all, you might say, it can never give you the same results as you would get from a gas or charcoal grill.But for people who live in the city and have only a small balcony or outdoor space it’s the only option they have because a gas or charcoal grill might be neither safe nor sensible.So is an electric grill a very inferior alternative to a gas or charcoal grill? Not at all. With the Weber Q 140 you can enjoy BBQ grill food that’s as good as anything you’d get using charcoal or gas. This article explains why.

7 Healthy Tips to Help You Through the BBQ Season

Do you go to barbecues during the summer months and get caught up in eating all the mayonnaise laden salads? And all the processed meats and white breads? I’ve outlined some steps you can take to make your barbecue season more waist friendly.

The Best Way to Cook a Tri-Tip

Do you really want to achieve championship quality Tri-tip? Impress your friends, have the best food at the party or in a competition? I have tried many, but tasted few that have that award winning combination.

Outdoor Grilling in the Wintertime

Outdoor grilling in the wintertime possesses some challenges that you don’t really have during the summer months. I have some tips to help you and they all come from my past experiences. What is better to cook with, charcoal or gas? Grill maintenance, is it important? Is placement a big deal? You want to be safe and yes the cooking is much different from the summer months.

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