ASmoke Pellet Grill
Snake River Farms Wagyu Brisket
Investment in your backyard in this BBQ season! Save big on Z Grills pellet grills.
Great Advantages of Portable Grills
However, portable grills are becoming more and more popular because they can be taken just about anywhere. Not only that, but these types of grills also have various accessories included with them. The first and main reason why portable grills are an efficient idea is because they can be easily toted around.
Weber Grill Tips – Preparing and Cooking Smoked Foods on Your Barbecue GrillUsing your Weber grill to cook great tasting smoked foods is a delightful experience – eating the finished dish is even better. However, choosing the wrong wood type to cook your favorite meat could lead to disaster. That’s why when it comes to smoking foods, it is important to choose the type of wood that is best suited to your favorite meat.
Indirect Grilling – Why Bother?Whoa, what is this? Indirect grilling, why bother with that? I thought we were supposed to just fire up the ole grill, open a can of beer and when it is hot, just throw on the steaks and go sit down? As my kids would say when they were younger, “silly goose!”
How to Do Grilled Shrimp Recipes So They Wont Keep Falling Through the Grill GratesHow many times have you tried some new grilled shrimp recipes and someone says, “Hey, what are these little curvy things on my plate?” A lot of people have lived entirely sheltered lives, at least when it comes to good food. So many people, I know, my wife included, are used to seeing shrimp fantailed and deep fried.
Grilled Fish Recipes – Tequila Lime TacosToday is a special day because I am going to talk food which is dear to my heart. And that is grilled fish recipes for Mexican food. In other words, let’s do fish tacos. There is that southern Calif. influence coming out. Now I could eat fish tacos everyday because one, not only do I love them, but, two, if you do them right they are very healthy for you.